Monday, October 27, 2008

Sitting Here Waiting

Not paying attention to the time
Looking out the window
Watching everything 
Birds flying here and there
Snow falling from the clouds to the ground
Looking into the sky
Daydreaming about the future
Sitting here waiting
For the right time to 
Get my degree and start working
Sitting here working
Listening to my teacher
Doing my homework
Sitting here waiting for the day

1 comment:

tanuller said...

Hi Bunna, yupes, i did that last night. sitting on a chair fishing for lush, and sat there thinking. of what is to be, of what i love the most, my family, of what can i do to help myself and dad, of what or how many i wanted to catch so that we have enough to eat, dad, my det, olga and me for lunch, tried to catch two more for uulan and ignati, but was getting to scared of the lol dark, snow machines, and i was fishing alone. uulan had gone up first and i wanted to catch two more because i had only two lushes. i then caught two more and i went home. love you piip